Whoever you are and whatever journey led you here, we welcome you.

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church invites and seeks to serve all people with no barriers. We welcome you to worship with us in-person or virtually via Zoom, Sunday morning at 9:30am.

A Reconciling Ministry - ALL are welcome

Office Hours at St. Barnabas

May-Dec 2024 (see “What’s Happening” below for exceptions)

Monday 10am - 2pm
Tuesday 10am - 2pm |
Fr. Tim (Tues) 9am-2pm
Wednesday 1pm - 4pm |
Fr. Tim (Wed) 9am-2pm
Thursday CLOSED |
Fr. Tim (Thurs) 9am-2pm
Friday CLOSED |
Office Printing 10am-12pm

To reach Fr. Tim on Mondays or Tuesdays, please call his cell phone or set up a Zoom appointment with him.
If you’d like to make an appointment with Fr. Tim, please email rector@saint-barnabas.net.


Happening This Week

Monday, March 24
Compline on Zoom

Tuesday, March 25
7:00pm St. Barnabas Project - Scripture Scribing

Wednesday, March 26
Compline on Zoom

Thursday, March 27

Friday, March 28
Encourager Submissions accepted until 12pm 6:30pm Stations of the Cross
8:00pm Compline on Zoom

Saturday, March 29
Men’s Group

Sunday, March 30
8:15am Choir rehearsal
9:30am Sunday Morning Integrated Liturgy in person and on Zoom
11:15am Formation (Youth, Kids, Adult)

Monday, March 31
Election Officials Building Preparation
8:00pm Compline on Zoom

Tuesday, April 1 - ELECTION DAY
Polls Open (Voting in Library)
7:00pm St. Barnabas Project - Scripture Scribing

March Vestry Meeting (link)

Monday March 24, 8pm on ZOOM

Topic: March Vestry Meeting

Time: Mar 24, 2025 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 812 6901 5618

Passcode: 634078

lit candles

Taizé Prayer, Friday, March 21, 7:30pm

Begin the work of peace in yourself, so that once you are at peace yourself, you can bring peace to others. - St. Ambrose of Milan

The worship tradition in this service began many years ago in the ecumenical French monastic community called Taizé. It is a quiet service of meditation, reflection, music and prayer. Gathering in the presence of Christ we sing simple uncomplicated songs, uncluttered by too many words, allowing the mystery of God to become manifest through the beauty of simplicity. The liturgy is primarily for worship, but it is also meant to quiet the soul. The quietness does not happen all at once, but gradually during the worship. Then we may be still and at peace in the presence of God.

Taizé Prayer at St. Barnabas is held on the third Friday of the month at 7:30 PM.    

On April 18, 2025, all are invited to join us for our Good Friday service at 7:00pm.                                                                 

For more information on the Taizé community go to https://www.taize.fr/en

three red vertical banners, representing stations of the cross

Stations of the Cross, Fridays in Lent at 6:30pm

March 7; March 14, followed by Gathering for Encouragement potluck and conversation; March 21, followed by Taizé prayer at 7:30pm; March 28; April 4; April 11, followed by Gathering for Encouragement potluck and conversation; April 18, Good Friday - Stations at noon

Holy Week and Easter at St. Barnabas

We invite you to join us in the profound observance of the days of Jesus’ passion and resurrection.

Registration for Parents’ Day Out Summer and Fall 2025 will open on March 4, 2025. Click to find out details!

Hymn of the Week

As we begin the season of Lent: Now Let Us All with One Accord Words: Attributed to Gregory the Great. Music: Bourbon

Artists' Salon Ocean Wave

Artists’ Salon: An Evening of Art and Conversation - Saturday, May 17th, 7pm

The Artists' Salon is a conversation about creativity and spirituality, with artists and appreciators of art engaging each other. Artists play musical instruments, read poetry, perform monologues, sing, dance, and show artwork. A discussion with the artist follows each presentation. Edible art in the form of appetizers and beverages also makes us appreciate everything more! Meets quarterly.

Greek This Week!

A Short Video Series brought to you by Fr. Tim

To see more videos, and visit Fr. Tim’s website, click here.

To learn more about the significance of greek for studying the bible, check this video out, from Dr. Samuel Loncar and the BEcoming Human Project:

“The Bible and Philosophy: The Jewish revolution” YouTube video

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children’s ministry at St. Barnabas

Our Weekly Newsletter: “the encourager”

The Encourager is the best way to keep up with what’s going on at St. Barnabas. It includes information on our current worship and meetings, announcements, and other helpful info. To subscribe to “The Encourager” and receive it as a weekly email to your inbox, enter your email below or please send a request to office@saint-barnabas.net