Children’s ministry at St. Barnabas focuses on kids ages 3 through 5th grade. It consists of three components: quarterly formation class, special gatherings, and church-life activities.
Quarterly formation is one of the ways St. Barnabas keeps our “I will” promise made at baptisms. (“Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?)
Quarterly formation sessions will happen in the fall, during Advent, during Lent and in the Summer. Watch The Encourager for specific dates.
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Special gatherings, which happen a few times a year, are fun activities for getting to know each other better. They also provide an opportunity to invite a friend!
Watch The Encourager for dates and details!
Church-life activities are things like the Parade of Saints, participating in music, the Epiphany procession, locking up the Alleluias and more!
KF videos
During closures due to Covid 19, Kids’ Formation classes were via video. You can watch past lessons on the St. Barnabas YouTube channel.
KF:OT is our summer session focusing on the Old Testament. The Old Testament is full of the people, places, stories, and celebrations that were well-known to Jesus and his friends. Knowing about the Old Testament helps us to know more about Jesus, his friends, and the Old Testament things that they mention.
Kf:OT will return in 2023 but you can watch the lessons from 2020 and 2021 on the St. Barnabas YouTube channel.