Virtual service? In person service? Both are available every Sunday!
In person service
Our in person service is very similar to years past with some important differences.
We are following the CDC guidelines on masks. We are doing our best to be sensitive to the needs of everyone in our community.
People are passing the peace in many different ways. Though some are still shaking hands, no one will think twice if you’d rather offer a touch-less, distanced expression.
For safety, Communion distribution has been adjusted during this time of concern.
The camera for Zoom provides a beautiful view for our virtual attendees while providing privacy for those attending in person. You won’t accidentally have a camera or microphone “in your face”. Our services are on our YouTube channel if you’d like to see the camera’s view.
In-person coffee hour is an important time of fellowship! You may wish to continue to wear your mask in between bites and sips, especially if you are close to someone who is wearing a mask. Please feel free to use our outdoor seating. If you exit the coffee hour area into the memorial garden you’ll find benches to your right. If you exit the main door you’ll find our patio to your right.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office.
Virtual service
Virtual service
Even though in-person worship has resumed, our virtual service continues! Feeling under the weather or isolating after a possible exposure? Need to be extra cautious? Traveling? Car troubles? Please join St. Barnabas as we worship together via Zoom. The option of Zoom for services and meetings has been a wonderful discovery during these unusual times.
What’s it like to attend via Zoom? After signing into Zoom you’ll have the option to use video. Many “Zoomers” do turn on their cameras but it is not required. If you’d prefer to stay off camera that is totally fine! Before service is time for settling in and you might hear the choir practicing! Zoom attendees should remain muted during the service. Staying muted is just part of the logistics of offering in-person and virtual together. As we respond and sing in our own homes, we know that we are together even while muted! During the passing of the peace and the prayers Zoomers make use of the “chat” feature to offer a message of peace and to share additional prayer requests. During communion distribution you’ll sometimes see an image of an icon offered during this time of contemplation. After service is a great time to visit and check in with other Zoomers. As possible, in-person attendees will also stop by to take part in the Zoom visiting! What a blessing to have another option for gathering!
Virtual service FAQ:
Where’s the meeting link?
Meeting links can be found on the website here and also in our email newsletter, The Encourager.
Where’s the bulletin?
You can download the bulletin from the website here or from The Encourager.
Will I be recorded?
Our Sunday Zoom service is recorded, and every effort is made to keep individuals from being recorded. Zoom participants videos are not part of the recordings. If something were to happen, individuals will be edited out before the service is posted on YouTube.
Can I receive communion?
Communion can be received from a lay Eucharistic minister either in the parking lot after service or at your home. Please contact the church office to set that up.
Are there other Zoom services besides Sunday morning?
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evening Prayer/Compline liturgy also meets together on zoom. The service bulletin is shared on the screen by the moderator. These evening services have been providing a valuable, holy, and needed pause to the close of our days and also serve as an important touch point for those of us yearning to connect during these difficult times.