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Fr. Bob’s – Reflection Revisited (2nd Sunday in Lent)

Jesus said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead…Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how…” (Mark 8:34-35 – The Message)

Most church sanctuaries have a cross prominently displayed – large or small, simple or ornate., hung on a wall or suspended over the Altar, but “stationary.”                 At St. Barnabas our cross is the Processional Cross. It doesn’t always stay in one place. It moves around. It leads us into worship. It leads us out into the world at The Dismissal to proclaim the Good News and to serve others. Sometimes we follow the Cross with our eyes. Other times we walk behind it. On occasion it might be our turn to carry The Cross. We lead or we follow, even though we may not know exactly where we are going - even when we know The Way will be painful or difficult.

Richard Rohr has written “…the real meaning of the word ‘suffer” is to allow someone else’s pain to influence us in a real way.”                                                              

The Cross is not just a sacred symbol, it is a sign, a reminder of our calling.